Media Overview
FinTech Rising helps financial executives understand the FinTech landscape. Incumbent financial institutions are starting to collaborate with financial technology firms, as digital currencies and high-powered analytics change the way business and consumers pay, borrow, and invest.
Indeed, the FinTech revolution is evolving into a phase of innovation in which addressing customer needs, expectations, and preferences take precedence over disrupting the business models of incumbent financial institutions. The FinTech Rising newsletter and blog provide business context to media coverage of FinTech and the future of money.
Written from a pragmatic perspective for financial executives, FinTech Rising includes interesting, informative, inspiring, and entertaining articles written by industry experts in language that a smart financial professional who does not know the FinTech lexicon can understand and relate to.
We don’t assume our readers understand all facets of the FinTech landscape and its often technical language, but we don’t talk down to them either. We’re an intelligent guide for sophisticated financial professionals to the way complex technologies are changing the financial services industry.
Edited by seasoned financial technology marketing consultant and journalist Collin Canright, FinTech Rising seeks to help financial executives understand the range of technologies changing all sectors of the financial services marketplace:
- Payments
- Lending
- Wealth and Personal Financial Management
- Capital Markets and Cryptofinance
- Regulation
- Banking Systems
“Collin Canright is one of the most knowledgeable and best-connected people I know in FinTech. He has a solid understanding of all fintech sectors and knows what’s real, what has immediate practical applications, as opposed to the trendy. The FinTech Rising newsletter shows it.”
-Lawrence Johnson, Advisor, NYU Stern Business School
Key Audience Metrics
FinTech Rising has a diverse readership of financial executives and professionals. Most of our readers are in the United States, but we maintain an international perspective as much as possible.
3,100 Subscribers
Leading Regions
- Silicon Valley
- Chicago
- New York City
- Atlanta
- UK
Primary Titles
- Senior Vice President
- Director of Marketing
- Director Technology/Innovation
- Entrepreneur/Founder
- Partner/Principal
- Vice President, Marketing
19% Average Open Rate
3% Average Click-through Rate
235 Average Monthly Visits
4 Page Views per Session
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Editorial Experience
Collin Canright is principal of Canright Communications, a Chicago-based marketing communications firm that specializes in financial services and technology. He has developed a wide network in banking, payments, and financial technology, especially in Chicago. He co-founded the Chicago Payments Forum and partners with FinTEx Chicago.
Collin’s articles are also published in Independent Banker magazine and PaymentsSource PayThink. He served as managing editor of The Journal of Electronic Commerce and is a former editor of CASHFLOW magazine, where he covered corporate treasury management and electronic banking. He began his career as a government and environmental affairs reporter at his family’s newspaper, The Chesterton Tribune.
Phone: 773 426-7000
Twitter: @collincarnight or @FinTechRising
Linked In:
Post: 333 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 2700, Chicago, IL 60604