FINTECH ARTICLES OF THE WEEK 09/18/16 Banks are locked in a traditional structure of proprietary and legacy, and they strongly wish to keep it that way. The problem is more and more banking operations are increasingly done in marketplaces that level the playing field for new entrants, writes banking consultant Chris Skinner in "The banking bazaar and the bizarre … [Read more...] about Marketplace Banking
Backing Banking?
FINTECH ARTICLES OF THE WEEK 09/10/16 I am generally gung-ho on banks and their need to embrace FinTech partners and on the need for FinTech firms to build the systems that can help smaller banks compete. The record, yet rather paltry, $185 million fine levied on Wells Fargo for fraudulently opening accounts to meet sales targets gives some support to that thesis, even though … [Read more...] about Backing Banking?
Conventions, Convergence, and Competition
Innovation, a favorite topic of debate in the business of technology, gets a FinTech work over in this week's links. Plus more blockchain endorsements and reports, along with some timely cautions. FinTech food for thought Pascal Bouvier, venture partner with Santander InnoVentures, challenges the conventional notions of FinTech innovation. It’s often said that traditional … [Read more...] about Conventions, Convergence, and Competition
Rocky Transitions
FINTECH ARTICLES OF THE WEEK 07/31/16 I know it's difficult to believe but transitions in technology and updates to regulatory regimes do not necessarily put the consumer's point of view first. The digitization of money and banking is inevitable, but the ability of FinTech to empower individuals and community institutions is not. This week's links provide some examples. … [Read more...] about Rocky Transitions
Big Media Covers FinTech
FINTECH ARTICLES OF THE WEEK 04/13/16 FinTech made an appearance in big business and technology media over the past week. Over the past year, the curiosity of bitcoin and reports on investment amounts and IPOs have given way to regular coverage by major business media in the U.S. and U.K. A sampling of major media links follows. Are FinTechs helping banks evolve – or planning … [Read more...] about Big Media Covers FinTech
FinTech is Still Rising
FINTECH ARTICLES OF THE WEEK 04/08/16 This issue marks the first anniversary of Canright’s “FinTech Articles of the Week.” To mark the milestone, we have launched a new website for our financial content, Over the last two years, we’ve seen FinTech investment increase dramatically and become a distinct market in its own right. We’ve also seen … [Read more...] about FinTech is Still Rising